Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mini monsters

We had mini monsters in school today as a treat for being so polite and winning the courtesy cards! Katie blogged about them for us :)

Harry holdid the grat big snail .

Mini monsters

We saw a snake and a tarantula
By Katie

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Our storytelling map has more stories!

We have now put narration onto our fen poem presentation and there are lots more stories and poems on the map. We hope you enjoy them!  

To look at some of our fabulous fen poems click on the play buttons, then click on the animals to return to the main screen. To hear the children saying their poems, click on the speakers!

What will you find on the digital story-telling map of the fen? (even more coming very soon!)

View Digital stories by Badger Class in a larger map


Our fen animations

We finished our fen animations today. Some of them are here. We hope that you like them!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Some exciting news!

In the last week of term we have two pieces of exciting news! The first is that the famous poet Michael Rosen has commented on the poems that he read on our blog! 

The second piece of news is that we are part of 'pass the blog' this week and are sharing our news with the rest of the country on a shared blog. Click on the picture to take a look and leave comments!

Storyboarding and acting!

We have been creating storyboards for our fen stories. Then we took some photos ready for our animations. Do you like our acting?!

 We started to add our photos to our puppet pals animations.

 Our finished films should be ready soon!

Weird fen creatures!

Have you seen any of these strange creatures down at the fen?!