Friday, March 9, 2012

Our Hockney style pictures

We created some pictures from around our school in the style of David Hockney. What do you think?


  1. We don't know who David Hockney is but after looking at your pictures we think that maybe he made pictures by overlapping photos to create a design. Are we correct? They look very interesting. How did you put all the pictures together? Are you going to have an exhibition to display your creative skills? You might even be able to sell them!
    From Mrs. K at Craigburn P.S.

  2. Love the pictures! Julia

  3. That is such as great idea. I really like the way it looks. Did it take you a long time to take the photographs and arrange them?

    Mrs Warner

  4. I have never failed to be impressed by the work on this blog. Truly stunning stuff.

    Mr Harrison
    Miriam Lord, Bradford.

  5. These we really really wonderful. My Year 4s last year did photo manipulation in the style of Andy Warhol's pop art. I really like the David Hockney idea. Very appropriate as his exhibition is on in London.

    Mrs Travers


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