Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What can you do in a minute?

In maths we have been seeing how many things we can do in a minute, like writing our name, counting beads into a jar and doing star jumps!

Counting beads
A special visitor joined in!
How many times can you write your name?
Mr Parris counted in Latin!
Joining multilink


  1. Absolutely lovely pictures - so nice to see what they are doing in school :)

  2. Sounds like lots of fun and you're all learning at the same time!!! Jake loved seeing Mr Paris too!

  3. It was good to be back in school yesterday. Thanks for letting me join in with 'What can you do in a minute.' I was surprised that Phoebe knew that I was counting in Latin.
    Did you enjoy being outside in the sunshine? I think learning can be great fun if you are outside.

  4. Dear Mr Parris,

    Thank you for counting in a different language, from Megan and Morgan

    Thank you coming to school and visiting us, From Phoebe and Lucy

    Thank you for joining in our maths! From Darcie and all of Badgers :-)

  5. It was really good to see mr Parris at school. I was surprised that l guessed what Mr Parris was counting in.
    From Phoebe

  6. Wow you thought of lots of things to do in 1 minute. I really liked the star jump picture.
    From Lincoln

  7. I would never have thought you could do so many different things in a minute - I might go away and have a go away myself now.

    Mr Harrison
    Miriam Lord, Bradford.

  8. Hello 2/1,

    What a brilliant idea and fun as well. I wonder if any of your were able to estimate (guess) how many of each thing you would be able to do? I think I might try counting beads or perhaps writing my name if I were to try this activity. I would be able to count more beads than write my name as writing would take longer.

    Well done, everyone. :)

    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia


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