Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Den building and creature spotting!

We have had a wonderful morning in the fen, looking for creatures, firing our imaginations, working together and making dens. We took our ipads, chatterboxes, easi-speak microphones and recycled sketch books with us to collect lots of words, pictures, photos and sounds. The children's thoughts will be here tomorrow with a photo show of all the photos. For now, enjoy the pictures!
Who has lost these keys? What are they for?

A creature lives in here!

Recording sounds for a soundscape

Making deductions
Great team work!

Will these big keys that we found fit this small door?

A door in a tree! Where will it lead?

Who lives here?

Making sketches

Working together! Heave-ho

What creature has been nibbling on this?

What is this bottle for and why is it here?

1 comment:

  1. We heard lots about the really exciting and fun time they had - and Eleanor is really keen to go back again and solve the mystery of the treasure chest!


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